We will process a refund in the following cases:

  • With Two-day Shipping, tracking stops updating over 4 business days or orders are not delivered after 6 working days from the date of shipment.

  • With Express Shipping, tracking stops updating over 6 business days or orders are not delivered after 10 working days from the date of shipment.

  • With Ground Shipping, tracking stops updating over 8 business days or orders are not delivered after 10 working days from the date of shipment.

  • In the form of Economy Shipping, tracking stops updating for more than 10 working days or the order is not delivered after 14 working days from the date of shipment.

  • For addresses outside the US and International,

    • Tracking stops updating for a period of more than 20 business days.

  • For production and shipping related timelines please check the Past Events section on the Orders page.

Please submit a ticket in Contact Page and we will take care of the issue.

Please note that AZ Passion Store's refund policy will not apply in the case of any force majeure event. We will provide official notice in this event.